Here it is....
Make-up and get ready
My Breidesmaid (kazen Ruth), Flower Girl and Ring Bearer
Ezra and Jonathan
Ngajat Datun Julut

Tambourine MBM St. Faith for P&W session
Musician of the day.. Freddy Danial bass), Clarencen Padan (rythm), Larry Sakai (drum) and Laura Enjawa (pianist)
Singers of the day... my friend Salbiah Banati and Cherish Sika
....also singer of the day..Ray Ramondi
The, relatives and friends

Both Picture taken by Stella SayangPicture taken by Stella Sayang
...also important people of the day...
This picture is taken by Stella Sayang. Thanks Stella. You are a such a great photographer!
Thanks guys for your kind help, GBU.. thanks againwith the Uncles....something funny here..its the shoes story...hihihi
Both our parents candit..i love this one
with Becca
Credits and Gratitute to;
Dolina, Dr. Andy and Ezra
Suze..busy with the kids...

Well, need i say more.......?
>>>Our journey which is KESINAMBUNGAN from 2 different lives are now begin. My LORD, the resource of LOVE to where I put my whole TRUST and HOPE and FAITH, TAKE LEAD Father. Its our life journey but WITHIN your WILLS...let your will be done. Take your place Mighty God, we surrender just in you, Amen.
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