Post kali ini merupakan kesinambungan post yang sebelum ini..
Before I go on, firstly, i would like to thank Brother Zebedee Zech (My kampung mate Rumah Juman) for allowing me to share his photo here. Well, those photo are very memorable one to me. I have our longhouse photo but not the sarounding area after we left, so since Bedee have it, so i tumpang lah. Thank you for 'landing' me the pictures ok, Bedee!
Well like i've shared before, my olden days are full of colours. There is hard times and aswell happy-happy or girang-girang times, but after all it is a very good 'teacher' to me personally. There is non compare to real life experiences. I'm glad because i came from kampung/ulu where i really could experiences life which i cannot enjoy or see right now. Example?? Well, the great and beautiful scenery of the nature? Great places for picnic..? The places which is rich with its natural sources to find foods, find timbers to build house, to get timber to make sampan, to find rotans to make tikar/mat - you name it....? That is life in the ulu . The natural resources is belong to anyone according to the kampung's teritorry. The kampung people could do farming serajin-rajin yang mampu.. if you rajin enough, your ladang will be bigger, you plant alot of fruit trees, lada's, koko's, padis' and etc. If you hungry, you just need to go in the jungle to hunt for foods, be it vegetables, to cacth fishes or to hunting wild boar. Only one key point is – You will never get hungry if you rajin enough to find food lah. That’s what my father always told me.

Now this is our rumah panjang punya pangkalan…full of stone
Did you notice the pokok ara on the left?? Pokok ara ni terletak di bahagian hulu pangkalan tadi. . Notice there is a boat there? By the way, if you go futher up from the river bank, there is our school. Not far from that pokok ara is the big Stone where we always play games ‘tolaking’ each other, like I’ve mention in my entry before. That pokok ara is where we always get the ‘Buah Ara’ and eat it with our sambal garam+chilli..…Very the pedas you know….Garam secubit je, the chillis menggunung..! Guess what? We will panjat(climb) the pokok ara, and get the young fruits, jump down and eat it with our sambal under the tree. After that because kepedasan we will rrruuuuun and gedeguuuuummm!! We will jump into the river and drink the water aswell. You must know, before, during dry season, the water of the river is very clear and you will not hesitate to drink the water…right?

Now back to our childhood times.. here is the Bato’ Aya’ Behudik Jenawa (Big stone upper pangkalan) where me and my friends always playing games ‘ tolaking’ each other during the tide/air pasang. The current during that time is strong, and that is the best time aswell because we can swim around the Big Stone. The river level must up to your waist then only is the best time to tolak each other from this Big Stone. The rule are simple, siapa jatuh sungai, dia kalah… hahahahhaahahahah

You know, this is our pangkalan di sebelah hilir….terdapat longgokan kayu. Here we used to cari kayu api. This kayu api we called it ‘kayo’ asa’. During dry season, a lot of kayo’ asa will be found here. Why not, it has been exposed to the shusine and dry itself at the karangan. When the times come, it is ready to be kutip by us…. Did you notice the ‘soil’ at the river bank? And that ‘soil’ is not mud ok, it’s pasir….

Ok, could you see the big stone over the other side of the river.. we called it ‘Bato’ Dipah’ which mean ‘Batu Seberang’… During high tide, that area is very dangerous because the river will cover the surface of the stone and at the end it produces strong current… But, during dry season, the Bato’ Dipah will timbul because the water level is drop down and that is the time when we will swim across the river to get to bato’ dipah. Don’t play-play, the sungai is still dalam even though the water level is low, you know.. seram juga. I did follow other friends to swim to Bato Dipah several times and guess what? I only manage to reach Bato Dipah one time only! This is because I felt macam haunted lah pula while tried to swimm cross the Balui River to get to the Bato' Dipah....Though the water is clear but I still rasa seram-seram...! That one time when i managed to reach Bato' Dipah with my geng keras frens, we can see macam ada tangga lah pula menuruni batu tu ke dalam sungai…Truly!

Ok, you see the pondok buruk ni? If there is manusia tinggal di sini, believe me, this pondok will never look like this. Ini kerana we are forced to leave this place and has never abandon it for purpose. See, the hut is still in good condition even after more than 10 years it has been left alone.. This pondok we called it ‘Lepo Kelarah’ or pondok rehat. The villagers or visitors will take rest at this hut after their long journey from pangkalan. For older people, they will stop for awhile before continue their journey home. Jarak pangkalan dari rumah panjang boleh tahan jauh juge…naik level 1 baru pondok rehat..naik lagi level 2 baru lah rumah panjang. That’s why our long house never have problem kena banjir…..

Ini merupakan tapak rumah KetuaKampung.
Ok, this is our longhouse. Only the structure is still strong standing together with pillars, some of the wall left and the important parts of the house… All are made from Kayu Belian… see the quality..? That’s why its still standing until now. Ini pun ada yang orang lain ambik. Kalau tak rumah ni masih elok dan boleh di diami, well didiami oleh hantu lah kot..!

Rumah panjang kami ada dua blok; blok rumah panjang kayu dan blok rumah panjang simen. Ini blok rumah panjang simen..kata Bedee, simennya masih ada. Rumput yang tumbuh tu pun tumbuh atas tanah atas simen rumah. Rumah kami berada di blok kayu. Bedee kata takda lagi dah situ, semua kayu dah kena ambik, samada oleh pemilik rumah atau pun orang lain.

Rumah panjang dulu di Rumah Juman Long Dupah Belaga...
Ini merupakan pemandangan kampung Rumah Juman lama di Belaga dari Sungai Balui. Memang jauh kan kampung kami dari tebingan sungai? Did you notice the ‘Lepo Kelarah’/Pondok Rehat? Thats only the Level 1. You need to climb level 2 in order to get to our rumah panjang. Safe.....we never face flash flood problem.

Rumah Juman sekarang di Asap Koyan – picture taken by my brother

Pemandangan waktu malam – picture taken by my brother

Rumah panjang sekarang di Sungai Koyan, Asap..
photo dari